Origin Story

LilyList was created to help people capture their stories and create a meaningful legacy beyond the financial, one that can impact generations. We believe that every person’s experiences, values, and memories hold unique wisdom and inspiration, and our mission is to simplify the process of engaging with loved ones and sharing these moments now and into the future. Through our platform, we provide experiences,  tools, and guidance that make documenting every journey both easy and fulfilling.

LilyList is a passion project many decades in the making. It is a culmination of life experience of the founders – growing up in environments where losing people close to you was not the exception, being motivated by storytelling via music to branch out and find better environments, and spending almost 30 years working with cutting edge technology. Beginning with an idea of creating lists to support people better prepare for end-of-life to shifting the focus to capturing stories and legacy, LilyList leverages the latest technology to support people – not the other way around.

Mission & Values

Every Story Is Unique and Valuable

Our mission is to help people understand that they have a unique and special journey and create ways to make it simple to capture, share, and celebrate that journey.

Prioritize Humans and Simplicity

We believe that technology and innovation exists to serve humans, not the other way around. We use technology where it makes sense to solve for problems, and make things simpler. For people.

Collaboration Over Competition

We not only understand but embrace the fact that none of us can do all things. We would rather focus on where we can provide the most value, and find trusted partners who can support where we cannot.


Click on the team members below to learn more.


Martin Hensel

Advisor | Develops New Services and Markets

Stephen McCall

Advisor | VP AI Solutions Fideltiy Investments

The LilyList platform aims to deliver valuable information and engaging stories that allow our users to better reflect on their lives, capture stories, and understand what legacy means to each of us. If you would like to support our work, there are four ways that you can do so. Three financial options are below, but the fourth and most important way will be to share with loved ones, and engage with our content. Thank you for your support!

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